Ten reasons why we should object to religious selection by schools

This page sets out why we should object to faith-based admissions. You can find out more about the law on admissions and how many schools of each type there are elsewhere on the site. Our mapping exercise has established for the first time exactly how widespread religious selection by state schools is. It found that 16% of places at state schools, or 1.2 million, are subject to religious selection in their admissions criteria.

It is discrimination

It segregates children on religious and ethnic grounds, which is bad for community cohesion

It increases the division between children along socio-economic lines, which goes against what Church schools say they stand for

It is unnecessary on the grounds of ‘ethos’

There is no longer a financial justification

Religiously selective schools are an ill fit within the state funded system

It is unpopular and gives faith groups a bad name

It is out of step with our international competitors

It is out of step with historic advances for the freedom of religion

Schools’ conduct should be exemplary

‘I want my children to go to a school where they can sit next to a Christian, play football at break time with a Muslim, do homework with a Hindu and walk home with an atheist – and with other children getting to know what a Jewish child is like. Schools should build bridges, not erect barriers.’

Rabbi Dr Jonathan Romain MBE, Minister of Maidenhead Synagogue and Chair of the Accord Coalition for Inclusive Education

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