Campaign coverage from the first 24 hours

Here’s a round-up of news coverage that the Fair Admissions Campaign has got on day one…

BBC News Online: Ban faith-based school selection’ demands new campaign

Daily Telegraph: Campaign aims to make faith schools open to all

The Times: Call to ban selection in faith schools

BBC Question Time: Question Time came from Blackburn and the following question was asked by an audience member at 12 mins 48 seconds into the programme: ‘Do we help social cohesion by allowing children to be educated segregated along religious grounds

Huffington Post: Atheists And Religious Leaders Speak Out Against Faith School ‘Discrimination

The Mirror: Campaign to end state school religious discrimination

TES: Campaigners push for end to faith-based selection

Daily Express: Answers to the Question Time question were covered by the Daily Express.

Morning Star: End selections based on faith

Rationalist Association: Fighting discrimination in school admissions

Ekklesia: Ekklesia posted five articles in support of the Campaign.